I originally found this interview on Pinterest.
- What is Daddy’s name?
- Ella: Trent
- Troy: I can't know
- What does Daddy do for fun?
- Ella: Play with us
- Troy: Play basketball and play with us and we the get basketball away
- What does Daddy do at work?
- Ella: Teach people about the Bible
- Troy: Teach and study
- What are his favorite things to eat?
- Ella: Peaches and oranges and pears
- Troy: I don't know
- What does he like to drink?
- Ella: Dr. Pepper and Coke Zero
- Troy: Coffee
- How old is Daddy?
- Ella: 32
- Troy: I don't know
- Where did you and Daddy meet?
- Ella: We met when I became a baby
- Troy: At the church building
- How long have you know Daddy?
- Ella: How long I've been alive
- Troy: 34
- How tall is Daddy?
- Ella: I don't know
- Troy: He's about that big maybe (reaching his arms up)
- What is Daddy’s hair like?
- Ella: Not hair at all
- Troy: Little dots
- How much does Daddy weigh?
- Ella: 34 lbs, but that's just a guess, ok?
- Troy: About that tall
- What makes Daddy the best?
- Ella: Me loving him
- Troy: Playing with us
- What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
- Ella: Play basketball with us, and play with us, and Father's Day, and having fruits with us, and I love him, and talking with him
- Troy: Play with him