Thursday, April 30, 2015

With Thanks We Prepare For Paraguay

In just two extremely short weeks (especially when one of them is Focal Point!), our family will be moving to Asuncion, Paraguay to work with the brethren there during the summer. As time is quickly winding down to make our final preparations at home, I wanted to take some time to reflect on how much I have to be thankful for in regards to this trip.

I am thankful that my husband had the vision to consider such a valuable opportunity for our family and for our work in the kingdom. Anything like this trip was far from my mind, but in the front of his, and I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for those Christians already working in Paraguay, and that they saw it fit for us to work with them for a time. I'm also thankful for the brethren in Paraguay who have been already been working hard on their end to make our trip possible. I'm thankful to be under an eldership who has granted our family this time to work away from our work at home. I'm thankful for those who will be working hard at home during our time away. I'm thankful for those who have given that we might take this trip. I'm thankful for those who have prayed, and for those who will pray for our trip and the work. I'm thankful for the opportunity for our family to be better equipped to serve in the church from the experiences we have on this journey. I'm thankful that God's kingdom isn't constrained by geographical boundaries, and that His Word is for all people.