Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Some Random Blogging Notes

  • I'm now on Twitter. I tried Twitter many moons ago, but never really got into it. I'm trying again now, but I'm sure there is going to be a big learning curve for me. :) Follow me at WhatIWantToBe.
  • I'm trying to do some organizing on my blog, so you may see some things move around as I'm trying to make my content easily accessible without cluttering the blog. What things do you like to see on a blog in regards to style, setup, and organization? What things do you hate? I won't be offended if you don't like how I've set something up. :) I want to make my blog great for you to read!
  • Any particular topics you'd like to see me write about in the New Year (I suppose considering the topics I normally write about.)? Let me know, and I might just write about them. :)
  • I'll hopefully have my About Me section up by the beginning of the New Year. I'm really not that interesting, but I almost always check the "About Me" section when I'm checking out a new blog, so I figure it would be good to have it completed. :)