Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I would love some inspiration from YOU

I recently came across a lovely idea on Pinterest (if you don’t know what it is I like to think of it as virtual bulletin boards where you can “pin” ideas from the web and share your pins with others – I’ve already found some great ideas through it!). The project is a “Family Rules” canvas from this blog.  (I’m not sure if it originated there or not, but that’s where I first saw the idea.)

Basically, it is a canvas of your personal family rules with things like “Always keep your promise,” “Encourage your siblings . . . share in their joy,” “Husband – Hug your wife daily & Wife- Always be on his side,” “Always tell the truth,” “Too much TV is bad….too much reading is good,” “Always say your prayers…thank God for this family,” etc. I really want to make one for my family, but I don’t want to just go with the ideas on the one shown on the blog – I want to make the rules personal and important to our home. So, here’s where I’d love some inspiration from you. If you had one of these in your home, what rules would you include? Once I finally get around to making one (I’m really going to take some time to think about what I want to include, so it might be a while), I’ll be sure to share it here!