Tuesday, March 1, 2011

“I do it SELF!”

Ella has always been independent, but in these past couple of weeks she’s started expressing it in a different way. The phrase “I do it self!” has become a regular part of her everyday speech. Whether she is trying to take off her shoes, put food on her fork, put on her panties, get her milk out of the bag, brush her teeth, or read a book she’s determined to do it herself. Although some tasks she is certainly capable of completing, there are others with which she still needs help. I’ll ask her if she needs help, and she’ll promptly respond “I do it SELF!”


Seeing Ella’s attitude reminded me of a mindset that I need to avoid in my own life. I need to be careful that I don’t think that I can do everything by myself. I can’t, and I shouldn’t try to do everything by myself. I need to put my life into God’s hands. I must trust in Him as Proverbs 3:5 states: “Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” I must be careful to avoid the self-centered and haughty attitude that says, “I don’t need God.” As Jeremiah 10:23 states: “Oh Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.”

Thankfully, after Ella tries to do something a few times, and realizes that she needs help, she’ll request help: “I need help!” Part of the growing up process for her is to learn to trust in her parents, and to learn to ask for help. I need to learn the same thing as a child of God. I need God’s help. I need to rely on Him. I need to realize that I am nothing apart from Him. I cannot do it by myself.